Weirdest Stories from the United States in 2024

The 10 Weirdest Stories from the United States in 2024

The year 2024 has been marked by strange and unusual events in the United States. From the inexplicable to the surprising, these stories have captured the attention of many Americans and the world. Here is a roundup of the ten weirdest stories of this year.

1. Fish Rain in California

In March 2024, the residents of the small town of Lajolla, California, witnessed a bizarre natural phenomenon: a rain of fish. Hundreds of small, silvery fish fell from the sky after a heavy storm. Meteorologists explained this event as « animal rain, » where tornadoes or strong winds pick up aquatic creatures and deposit them on land.

2. Man Claims Land on the Moon

In April, a Florida entrepreneur with a passion for space filed an official claim for land on the Moon. John « Lunar » Smith used an old law from the space exploration era to justify his claim. Although his request was quickly dismissed by American and international authorities, he managed to attract worldwide media attention.